FY24-25 Timeline

February 28, 2025: All final report materials and invoices/receipts for reimbursement due

FY25-26 ROUND ONE Timeline

January 1 - December 31, 2025: Projects take place

January 30, 2026: All final report materials and invoices/receipts for reimbursement due

FY25-26 ROUND TWO Timeline

February 18, 2025: Draft Proposal Due (Required!)

April 22, 2025: Final Proposal Due

May 9, 2025: Applicants notified of decision

June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026: Projects take place

June 26, 2026: All final report materials and invoices/receipts for reimbursement due


The Community Collaboration Grant is designed to provide libraries with up to $7,000 in funding for a partnership project with non-library entities. Grant funding is awarded through a competitive application process, with the ultimate goal of promoting community-wide partnerships.

Draft Application FAQs:

Why are you now requiring a draft application before the final application?

In past years, the Legacy Committee has had to reject many projects that could have been approved if the library was given a month or two to address questions/concerns that the Committee had after reviewing their application. The hope is that this process will allow libraries the time to address the Committee's feedback and strengthen their application for an increased chance at approval, without having to wait an additional year to try and apply again

What is required for the draft application?

Your draft application should contain ALL the information you would include in a final proposal, including a complete narrative application, budget spreadsheet, and all letters of support from partners. Specific scheduling and budget details may be left out, if you need additional time and/or guidance to finalize these. 

What happens after I submit my draft application?

After you submit your draft proposal, the members of the Legacy Committee, which is a Committee of the SELCO Board, are given two weeks to review all the applications. The Committee then meets to discuss each project and provide agreed-upon feedback to the applicant to help them prepare their final application. Feedback may include required changes, optional/suggested changes, and questions to clarify details and/or address concerns.

When libraries will receive feedback on their drafts? How will the feedback be delivered?

Within a week of the Committee meeting (three weeks following the draft deadline), SELCO's Legacy Program Librarian will schedule a meeting with the coordinator of each potential project, as well as any other involved parties, to share the feedback provided by the Committee and discuss next steps.