General Questions
What is the Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund (ACHF)?
The Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund (ACHF) was created by the people of Minnesota to support the arts and preserve our cultural heritage. The Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment was passed overwhelmingly by Minnesota voters in November 2008. This electoral decision created new resources for land conservation, water conservation, parks, and the arts. A portion of these funds has been appropriated to regional library systems to support programs and services at local libraries and to partner with community organizations to enrich the lives of Minnesota residents.
How are SELCO Library Legacy Funds spent?
Each year SELCO receives around $230,000 in Legacy funding. For FY2023, SELCO has budgeted for the following programs:
Community Collaborations
Community Reads
Minnesota Author Tour
SELCO Vetted Programs
How long will these funds be available?
Funding for regional library systems via the Minnesota Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund is disbursed each fiscal year. The Legacy Program Librarian at SELCO applies for funding in July and the state notifies SELCO of its funding allotment in September. Following notification of the allotment, Legacy spending in the region can comment. The Minnesota Legislature has the opportunity to revise funding disbursal on a biennial schedule. Funding levels to the specific regional libraries may fluctuate based on the formula used by the State Library.
Can I charge admission at an ACHF-sponsored event?
No, although a free-will offering or “suggested donation” is allowable. According to former State Librarian Suzanne Miller, neither admission nor registration fees should be charged for any event receiving Library Legacy funding. This decision is based on two philosophical library positions:
Traditionally, libraries have offered free programs and are perceived as that “free” source of information and recreation.
Library Legacy funds are about creating “access” for those who may not have had access to such events previously, either due to geography or finances.
What is the Arts & Cultural Heritage logo? Do I have to use this?
All publicity for Arts & Cultural Heritage programming must include credit to SELCO and the Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund (ACHF). You must include the ACHF Legacy logo and the SELCO logoon all materials promoting programs funded through Legacy Funding. These logos can be downloaded from the Legacy Logos page. Failure to comply with requirements pertaining to Legacy Logos may result in loss of funding for current or future Legacy grants and/or reimbursement of grant dollars already spent.
When and how should I use an acknowledgement statement for Legacy funding?
It is important to introduce all Legacy programs/project with a statement acknowledging that the program was funded with Legacy dollars. In addition, publicity where the logos can not be displayed, such as newspaper articles and radio and television announcements should also include the statement of acknowledgement. Use the following phrase (the exact wording does not need to be followed): "This project/program is made possible by the people of Minnesota through Minnesota's Arts and Cultural Heritage Library Legacy fund, in cooperation with our regional library system, SELCO."
How can I see what’s been spent in my area?
SELCO tracks all projects based on city, county and Minnesota House District. For more information please contact SELCO's Legacy Program Librarian.
SELCO Vetted Programs
Is my organization eligible for funding?
Only SELCO member libraries (public libraries) are able to host SELCO Vetted Programs. To see a list of all SELCO member libraries click here.
When is the deadline for SELCO Vetted Program applications?
Applications for FY2023 will be accepted from October 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.
When should I submit my application?
You need to give SELCO staff adequate time to process and review your application. A minimum of one month lead time is suggested.
What information is required on the application?
All fields on the application are required. The application requires details including the location, date and time of the event, the program coordinator, and your choice of vetted program.
What happens after I turn in my application?
Once your form is received, an email confirmation will be sent to the address used to fill out the application. If you do not receive an email confirmation, contact SELCO's Legacy Program Librarian, as your application may not have been received. Your application will be reviewed and approved within 2 weeks of submission.
Will SELCO book my performer for me?
No, all booking and performance details need to be arranged directly between the applicant and the Vetted Performer. Before submitting an application to host a SELCO Vetted Program, you must speak with your chosen Vetted Performer to select a tentative date and time. This ensures that you will have an appropriate date confirmed prior to applying for funding and also gives your chosen Vetted Performer the opportunity to inform you of any specific requirements or needs (performance space, electrical outlets, audience capacity, etc.). All program bookings are tentative until official approval from SELCO is received by the applicant.
What happens after my application is approved?
You will receive an email from SELCO notifying you that your application has been approved. You will also receive a checklist to help keep you on track with preparation for and hosting of your SELCO Vetted Program. In addition, marketing materials will be provided.
What do I do if my application is denied?
Denial to host a SELCO Vetted Program is rare. If your application is denied, you will be notified first via email. This notification will include detailed comments from SELCO staff as to why the application was denied and suggestions for how best to reapply.
What if I want additional activities, services or items not included in the Vetted Program? Can I apply for additional funding?
SELCO sponsorship of Vetted Programs is limited to the performance fee for your chosen performers. Possible expenses that are not covered by this program include hall rental, refreshments, advertising costs, etc. If expenses are incurred by the applicant outside of the scope of the SELCO Vetted Program agreement, SELCO is under no obligation to cover such costs. If additional costs are necessary for your event, you may apply for a larger grant amount via the Community Collaboration grant program or find an organization to partner with to help defer costs.
May I apply for more than one SELCO Vetted Program?
Yes! Libraries may apply for as many Vetted Programs as their funding allotment allows before the application deadline. If there is a significant portion of funds remaining towards the end of the fiscal year, SELCO may allow additional bookings.
How do SELCO Vetted Performers get paid?
All billing for SELCO Vetted Programs is covered through the SELCO office. The host library is not responsible for paying Vetted Performers directly; all billing must be submitted to SELCO by the performer for prompt payment. If your library has chosen to add additional services to your event which are not covered by the Vetted Program, you will need to arrange separate billing for those items.
What if I want someone who is not on the SELCO Vetted Program list? Will your list of Vetted Performers grow or change?
SELCO reserves the right to modify the list of SELCO Vetted Programs at any time. New performers are added to the list at SELCO’s discretion and only after a thorough committee review. This ensures that the SELCO Vetted Programs are of very high artistic caliber, and their programs are in-line with SELCO's values. If you would like to hire a performer who is not on the list, you must apply for funding through SELCO’s Community Collaboration grant program or contact SELCO's Legacy Program Librarian about having the performer apply to become a Vetted Performer.
Community Collaboration Grant
Is my organization eligible for funding?
You must be a member of SELCO (public libraries) to apply for a Community Collaboration Grant, though a partner may take the lead on the application. To see a list of all SELCO member libraries click here.
When is the deadline for Community Collaboration Grant applications?
View the current timeline on the Community Collaboration Page.
Why are you now requiring a draft application before the final application?
In past years, the Legacy Committee has had to reject many projects that could have been approved if the library was given a month or two to address questions/concerns that the Committee had after reviewing their application. The hope is that this process will allow libraries the time to address the Committee's feedback and strengthen their application for an increased chance at approval, without having to wait an additional year to try and apply again.
What information is required for the draft application?
Your draft application should contain ALL the information you would include in a final proposal, including a complete narrative application, budget spreadsheet, and all letters of support from partners. Specific scheduling and budget details may be left out, if you need additional time and/or guidance to finalize these.
What happens after I submit my draft application?
After you submit your draft proposal, the members of the Legacy Committee, which is a Committee of the SELCO Board, are given two weeks to review all the applications. The Committee then meets to discuss each project and provide agreed-upon feedback to the applicant to help them prepare their final application. Feedback may include required changes, optional/suggested changes, and questions to clarify details and address concerns.
When will libraries receive feedback on their drafts? How will the feedback be delivered?
Within a week of the Committee meeting (three weeks following the draft deadline), SELCO's Legacy Program Librarian will schedule a meeting with the coordinator of each potential project, as well as any other involved parties, to share the feedback provided by the Committee and discuss next steps.
How long will these funds be available?
Each year, SELCO designates a portion of Library Legacy funds for Community Collaboration Grants. Dependent upon how many applications are received and approved, we may offer one or two rounds of grants. Libraries have 12 months to spend their funds.
What happens after my final application is approved?
The Legacy Program Librarian will reach out with an agreement for you to sign. Once this is done, you may begin your project.
What do I do if my application is denied?
Work with our Legacy Program Librarian to clarify what aspects of your application did not meet the grant requirements, and use this feedback to improve your application and reapply for the next round of funding.
What if the $7,000 is not enough for our project?
SELCO suggests partnering with other SELCO member libraries to help expand your grant request. You may also contact SELCO's Legacy Program Librarian prior to the deadline to review the grant and provide recommendations.
May a SELCO member apply for more than one Community Collaboration Grant?
Yes! As long as they are unique grants (don’t duplicate one another) and are being used to supplement your library’s budget, you may apply for as many Community Collaboration Grants as you have ideas.
How will the expenses get paid?
SELCO acts as the fiscal agent for all Library Legacy funded programs. We can pay the invoices directly or reimburse the library if you should choose to pay the invoices first.
Community Reads
How do we choose our book?
The only requirement for a Community Reads title is that it was written by a Minnesota author. Beyond this requirement, we are confident that you know what works best for your community and so leave the choice in your very capable hands.
How many grants will be awarded?
This grant process is first come first served. Grants of up to $2,000 will be awarded until all allocated Community Reads funds for that fiscal year have been used. If you are enthusiastic about this project and have your ideas in place, we’d encourage you to apply sooner rather than later to ensure funds are available.
When are the deadlines?
The state approves SELCO's funding in late August/early September. Once approval is received the application reopens. There is no deadline to apply, as long as funds are still available before the end of the fiscal year (June 30th). The application will close when the allocated funds are gone. If your application is approved, the deadline to spend funds is the end of the same fiscal year in which you applied.
Additional Resources
Am I required to conduct surveys at Legacy-funded events?
Yes! It is optional for attendees to complete a survey but you must make the surveys available either in print, electronically, or conduct a verbal survey.
How do I request the Legacy Projector to use at my upcoming Legacy-sponsored event?
Visit this page to fill out the booking request form. There is only one projector, which will be lent out on a first come, first served basis. The earlier you submit your request, the better your chances of being able to receive and use the projector! Once your request is submitted, you will receive approval/denial within one week.
How often do I have to write my Legislators?
Specific requirements may vary depending on the Legacy project or program but generally you are required to write your Legislators once following your Minnesota Author Tour events and once following your season of Vetted programs. One additional letter is required for each Community Collaboration and Community Reads grant you receive.
SELCO owes my library money for dollars spent on a pre-approved Legacy project/ do I receive payment?
Visit this page to fill out the reimbursement request form to be reimbursed for dollars spent on a Legacy program. Payment will be sent within two weeks of receiving the form.
What happened to the Legacy Banners?
Due to a slow down in usage and general wear, the Legacy Banners were retired in 2023.
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